How Churches Use the 3G Method for Growth

A Simple Strategy to Build a Team for the Future

church growth leadership teams

I don't know about you, but it feels like we keep coming back, right? 


You keep on coming back, and I am grateful because it only means that you are learning something from our podcast that's helping you. So, today we're going to be pumping out another episode focusing on the areas where I'm hearing pastors scream. 


Look, I am the Simple Systems Guy today because of my mistakes ten years ago. As a leader, you always have to be systematic in many ways. You can't execute everything that comes into your mind without planning it properly; like, there's no such thing as an instant success.


We have to build our strategy to put everything in the right place and at the right time, but let me tell you this; not all systems are a great fit for yours


You have to build the right system for your church, considering many things such as your visions, your people, and your expectations.


Now, let me ask you this question, do you think everybody in your team is an excellent fit for the future of your church?


On Episode 8 of the Digital Discipleship Podcast, I Need Some Help! A Simple Strategy to Build a Team for the future, we're going to talk about how you would make a team that would be an excellent fit for the future of your church and what things to consider in choosing the right people for your team.


So, head over and listen now and remember to keep the gears turning.

In the past year, 42% of pastors have considered leaving the ministry. 

The reasons vary. Some are overwhelmed, some over worked, some just plain tired.

That's why we created the CHURCH SYSTEMS BOOTCAMP. It's a coaching program where we help leaders grow their church with our burning out the leaders or using complicated marketing strategies. 

We introduce leaders to the 3G Model and how churches are already using it to grow.

Want to know more? Just click the link below to watch a short video that explains the entire process.

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